Membership is open to any citizen of the United States 12 years of age or older according to the following provisions:
Person must have a sponsor. The club will not appoint a sponsor. Person must present them self to a club member stating why they want to join.
The person must present themselves at a club meeting stating why they want to join. Meetings are held at 7:30 PM on the last Tuesday of the month.
All persons being proposed for membership have a 90 day probationary period during which they must attend three club functions (meetings or any other shooting event taking place at the club). Payment of the initiation fee and club dues are due at the time of proposal for membership. Money paid to the club is refundable if not voted in. Must appear in person with the sponsor at the time of membership proposal. Proposed members will be voted on the 3rd meeting after proposal and must be carried by 2/3 members present.
Initiation fee is $50.00
Annual dues are $40.00
Dues can be paid at a club meeting from October until March or mailed to: Allan Case, 5154 Watertank Rd., Glenville, PA 17329. Include a self addressed, stamped envelope if you wish your membership card to be mailed to you. Otherwise, the card will be available for pick-up at a club meeting.

Club Shoots
Cowboy Action
Family Events

Article III: Membership cont.
Person must have a sponsor. The club will not appoint a sponsor. Person must present them self to a club member stating why they want to join.
A sponsor must be in good standing and will be responsible for new member for a time period of one year after being voted in. Sponsor and new member will also fill out and sign a checklist.
All persons being proposed for membership has a ninety (90) day probationary period during which they must attend three (3) club functions within the ninety (90) day probation period. Payment of the initiation fee and club dues at the time of proposal for membership. Money paid to club is non-refundable, if not voted in. Must appear in person with their sponsor at the time of membership proposal. Exception being persons in the Armed Service, disabled with a handicap or have permanent 2nd shift job (swing shift not counted). The sponsor will give particulars to the club at the time of membership proposal for anyone having any of the three (3) exceptions for personal appearance. Proposed member will be voted on the 3rd meeting after proposal and must be carried by 2/3 members present.
No Voice or key card until voted in as a member.
Oath of Allegiance:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands.I certify that I am a citizen of the United States and that I am not a member of any organization or group pledged to, or working for, a program aimed at the destruction or group pledged to, or working for, a program aimed at the destruction of our present system of government established by the Constitution of the United States.
As of 1/27/2009 the inside of the ‘Clubhouse’ will be ‘Smoke Free’. Please place butts in receptacles provided.
All club members will be responsible for keeping the property clean and orderly.
Club members are responsible for the conduct of their guest.
Club members, when visiting the club house, are responsible for closing windows, blinds, checking stove, lights, locking doors, etc.
Club house is not to be used for private parties without permission from the Board of Directors.
No bottles to be taken on the indoor or out door rifle range. All other items to be disposed of properly.
All rifle, pistol, and shotgun actions are to be open at all times unless on the firing lines.
Club renting policies to the members only.
Odd weekends are shooting weekend. It may be rented by approval of club membership.
Even weekends are renting weekends.
Weekday rentals must be approved by majority vote of the club membership.
No Shooting on a rented day unless approved by renter.
All ranges are closed During Any Club Sponsored Activity.
All club members and guest visiting the club must sign the log book. All guest must sign a Risk Agreement (Release/Waiver) form. The forms are in a 3-ring binder next to the log book and are good for 1 calendar year.
The use of club tables and chairs, etc., are prohibited unless approved by the President. All items removed must be signed out upon removal and signed in when returned. Record transactions in log book.
Section 1 – Initiation fee shall be $50.00 per member. Fee to be governed by the Board of Directors.
Section 2 – Dues shall be governed by the Board of Directors.
Section 3 – All dues must be paid between October and March for the coming year. All dues must be paid by the March meeting or membership is void.
Section 4 – Club rental to Members Only.
A: Family Functions - $50.00
B: For organizations - $150.00 (Permission from Board of Directors and must furnish proof of Insurance before Rental will be approved).
C: Club Rental includes Kitchen.
Section 5 – All members will be charged a fee for key card or a lost Key card.
Section 6 – All club members are responsible for payment of items purchased by themselves or their guest. (Soda, clay birds, targets and all other items).